August Featured Dancer

Our August featured dancer is Owen W. Owen is a wonderful student (and I'm not just saying that because he's my son). He is extremely fun to watch on stage as he truly brings his characters to life. Owen is a great kid that makes class dancing fun and he's a pretty special part of our family at home and in the studio.

Let’s learn a little about Owen from his interview.

1. Pirouette or Arabesque?

2. Favorite Holiday?

3. Favorite Ballet Performance (either one APA has performed or just your favorite)?
Hansel & Gretel & Nutcracker

4. How long have you been taking Ballet classes?
10 years

5. Favorite Ballet quote?
”Dancing a dream for your feet” ~unknown

6. Favorite Part you have had in an APA performance?
Jack in the box from the Nutcracker.

7. Favorite Movie?
Hocus Pocus

8. Favorite Song?
I don’t have one but I like to listen to pop music.

9. Favorite Color?

10. Tell us one fun/interesting fact about yourself?
Ive never been on an airplane.