May Featured Dancer

Our featured dancer for May is Miss Sadie W.
Sadie is a hard working student who is always trying to push herself towards betterment. She is kind and is often one of the biggest cheerleaders, encouraging others in their success. She is great about setting goals and working towards those goals! We appreciate her drive and determination.

Let’s learn a little more about Sadie…

Sadie’s Interview:

1. Pirouette or Arabesque?

2. Favorite Holiday? Halloween 

3. Favorite Ballet Performance? Swan Lake

4. How long have you been taking Ballet classes? 10 Years

5. A dancer who inspires you?. Ashley Boulder (NYC Principal)

6. Favorite Part you have had in an APA performance? Arabian and Stepsister

7. Favorite Movie? Princess Bride

8. Favorite Song? Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez

9. Favorite Color? Lilac

10. Tell us one fun/interesting fact about yourself? Learned how to play the flute in 3 months and preformed at my school

Photos by Bliss Studio